Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bite Comparison 16 days after surgery....

Hey all, hope you are all doing well. :)  Today my pain went up a little.  I think it may be a combination of doing too much and some of the numbness going away.  I guess being numb has its advantages of hiding the pain.  I'm still just using Ibuprofen, I do not want to take anymore of the real stuff.  I'm still numb on the inside of my cheeks (closest to my nose), my nose, lips and chin.  The outer side of my cheeks are completely back with feeling. I've got lots of tingling going on still, so that's a good sign that my nerves are repairing themselves. 

Also, there are some wonderful benefits for me that came along with this surgery.  I have had major headaches for years...haven't had one since surgery.  I have had terrible neck pain for years....has not hurt one time since surgery.  I have had sinus pressure as long as I can remember....gone.  My airway in my mouth widened when they re-set my jaws....I can breathe better.  Isn't it amazing how the problem I had with my jaws caused all these other problems?? And now that they are where they are supposed to be, everything else lines up perfectly with them, making my life so much better.  All I can say is GOD is awesome!!! I give Him all the Glory!!!

Below, I've attached a before and after picture of my bite after surgery.  This will blow your mind!  It's amazing what can be done in the medical field these days.  The before picture is the first month I had braces, which was about a year ago.  The after picture was taken today.  I still have my splint in, unfortunately, and it looks like Home Depot in there, lol!!  There are brackets, wires, hooks, bands, plastic...whatever else you're thinking, it's probably in there!!  And yep, it's aggravating.  I have ulcers to prove it.  I know I'm over the worst part, and now all that's left to do is the fine-tuning.  I am proud to say that I'm glad I did it!! I really feel like it's going to be so worth it.  :o)

Before - Here it is....the horrible bite that gave me trouble and killed my self-esteem all my life.  The bite that made me think I had to have long hair at all times to hide behind. The bite that kept me from eating things everyone else could eat. Yes, I know, it's awful.  Underbite, open-bite, and cross-bite. Lucky me...

After - Look at me now!!  I LOVE it!!!  The funny looking thing attached to my top teeth is the dreaded splint.  It will come off in 2-4 more weeks.  I hate it, but I can live with that.  I LOVE my new bite!!!!  And I'm gonna be SMILING the rest of my life!!!

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