Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Three Weeks Post-Op!

Hey everyone, today makes 3 weeks!  I'm doing pretty good.  I went to the orthodontist yesterday and they switched out the wire on the bottom and replaced 4 brackets that were knocked loose during surgery.  I had a little bit of movement on the bottom due to the loose brackets, so I'm having to wear rubber bands for 2 weeks til my next appt.  I will also get the splint out my next appt!  Two more weeks and I'll be eating a lot better :o).  I did finally get a pancake down yesterday.  It had to be drowned in syrup to make it soft enough to swallow without chewing, but it was sooooo good!! My swelling is still coming down, still have some around the middle of my face.  There's really no bad pain, just a weird, aggravating feeling of tightness and pressure.  I really don't have much to post today, everything's good and just taking it one day at a time and getting as much rest as I can.  I still have a lot of healing to do on the inside, but the outside is looking much better.  Here's my 3 week post-op pictures.....Love to all and hope you have a blessed week!

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