Hey there everyone! I know I haven't updated in 3 weeks, it's been really crazy. Since I was last on here, I still had the splint in and I was still at home. Now, I am splint-free and am back at work full-time :). I went back to the orthodontist on March 1st, and he took that hateful splint out finally. Have you ever seen a horse with a bit and bridle in it's mouth?? Well, that's about what I felt like! LOL!! It felt so good to be able to have my whole mouth back! That was the good part of the visit. The bad part was he put me in rubber bands 24/7....wearing 5 during the day and 7 at night. Yes, that many. :( It's just one more thing to add to the list I've been through. Oh well, they're not the most fun or prettiest things to wear, but I'm handling it just fine. I was VERY sore the first 2 weeks I had them, especially being that my bones are not completely healed, but now I'm getting used to them. More of the numbness has gone away now. The only parts left that are still very numb are my bottom lip and chin. That's usually the last to get your feeling back and could still take a while. I am eating better than I was...I have graduated to a grilled cheese sandwich! I do have to pull it apart into small pieces, but I'm getting it down. I'm just so happy I'm over the liquid stage. I don't want to see any more soup for a long, long time! I haven't quite got up the nerve yet to bite through anything, I don't think I'm ready for that yet, but it will come. I have lost 17 lbs since the surgery, not trying to, just because I can't eat the things I was before. In the past week or so, I've had a few people to ask me if I'm glad I went through it all. My answer: YES, I'm so glad I did it and I'm so glad it's over!! I have been through hell to get to where I am today. It is NOT easy, there IS lots of pain, there is depression and you get mad at the world afterwards, but time moved on and I did get better. If anyone reading this or anyone you know is considering this surgery, you have to stay positive, and just know that it will get better, even when it doesn't feel like it. I keep reminding myself of the finished outcome. Be strong and know that you CAN do it. :)
Here's my 7 week pictures....
The beautiful rubber bands....this is night-time wear. Daytime is minus the 2 in the front.
Forever you are gone.
No more insecurity.
No more trying to hide you!
No more fear of being thought of as "deformed"
No longer feeling unworthy- not beautiful.
Forever it is gone.
I am so glad to be free.
To no longer have to hide behind it.
No more insecurity.
I am the same person
I have the same heart.....
Just a new sense of confidence.
I love who I am. I love where I am.
And I LOVE my smile!!!
How long have I waited to say that!! :)